Dear Comrades,
The thing that marked 2023 significantly for me was the 45th Anniversary, which means that for more than half of the people who work in the office, the organization is older than they are. That means we’ve sustained ourselves over a long period. Not only just sustaining ourselves but doing remarkable work; in 2023 we’ve still demarcated stuff–we’re still going.
For me, it’s that we’ve completed paying off a $2.5 million building, and we did it in six years. In 2023, I was wrestling with the question of if I was going to retire. That didn’t come about as a result of just me. It came about as a result of the people surrounding me, giving me the ability to think about retirement. In 2023, we brought on a Deputy Director and a Managing Director, while Hamdiya Cooks-Abdullah–who had been with me for 20 years–retired.
In 2023, there were a lot of activities, like Quest for Democracy and Community Giveback, that I was no longer accepting responsibility for leading. So for me and probably Hamdiya, 2023 represented us beginning to loosen the reins and let everybody else take on the work. I can recognize that great trees don’t grow if older trees don’t allow them to shine. I'm incredibly excited about the work we'll be doing in 2024.
Sincerely, LSPC Executive Director Dorsey Nunn |