On May 6, 2023, LSPC Policy Fellow Alissa Moore participated as a panelist at the National Anti-Hunger Conference, where she was invited by the Food Research & Action Center. The panel discussion focused on various topics related to addressing hunger issues in the United States. One of the key areas of focus was the need for immediate action regarding SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). Moore emphasized the importance of passing H.R. 3037/S.1336, known as the "Closing the Meal Gap" bill, which aims to boost the minimum allotment of CalFresh (California's SNAP program) and improve equitable access to the program in all US territories. Additionally, Moore advocated for H.R. 1510, which seeks to address the issue of inequitable access to CalFresh among students, tribes, and other vulnerable populations. LSPC made a valuable contribution to the conference by bringing the perspective of formerly incarcerated individuals and highlighting the specific challenges faced by re-entering populations regarding access to CalFresh. Their insights shed light on the systemic barriers and discriminatory policies that perpetuate food insecurity and inequality. By sharing real-life examples, LSPC effectively advocated for policy changes to address these issues and ensure a more inclusive and just anti-hunger agenda. |